Ambiguous Gender: The game opens on a scene in Eivor's childhood before revealing that the Animus can't accurately parse Eivor's sex.Doesn't stop them from surviving the events physically and mentally intact, however.

Even their battle with Odin is more or less shrugged off as being related to the fake Valhalla in some way, despite all their visions of him prior to that. Achievements in Ignorance: Even by the end of the story, Eivor seems to not have realized what's going on with Sigurd, Basim and their visions of Odin - in their eyes, Odin was just a hallucination, Sigurd Took a Level in Jerkass because of Fulke's torture, and Basim's sudden madness is just baffling.By the end of the game, after Sigurd passes on the title of Jarl to them, everyone easily accepts them as their new leader. 100% Adoration Rating: Eivor easily makes allies with almost every character they interact with and unlike Sigurd, they make the effort to know each and everyone of the Ravensthorpe townsfolk.Can be either male or female depending on the player's choice. A 9th century Viking raider from Norway who gets taught in the ways of the Hidden Ones, and the player character.